June 2015 archive

Renew Indonesian passport in Singapore

Visitor Pass

Hi readers.. Just want to share my experience of the renewing process as my wife passport was about to expire that time (within 6 months). Its pretty easy tho and it take only 3 business day to get it done. So here it is the steps. 1. Print and Fill in the Form of request …

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Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa 2015!!

Happy Fasting

Hi readers.. It’s been long time and here I am back againnn :)… just want to say “Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa!!” for Moslem friends.. Another 2 weeks more we will celebrate Hari Raya Puasa which is fallen at 17th July 2015 to be exact, that’s another long holiday tho, lets plan another get-away from the …

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