Author's posts
Jul 28 2015
3D2N Melaka Trip on Hari Raya 2015
It was our first trip to Melaka and without itinerary, so it will be interesting 🙂 and challenging since we bring along our 2yo kid. It took 4hrs trip from Singapore to Melaka non-stop by direct bus (including immigration check in Singapore and Malaysia). We heard we will stuck at immigration checkpoint because a lot …
Jun 26 2015
Renew Indonesian passport in Singapore
Hi readers.. Just want to share my experience of the renewing process as my wife passport was about to expire that time (within 6 months). Its pretty easy tho and it take only 3 business day to get it done. So here it is the steps. 1. Print and Fill in the Form of request …
Jun 26 2015
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa 2015!!
Hi readers.. It’s been long time and here I am back againnn :)… just want to say “Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa!!” for Moslem friends.. Another 2 weeks more we will celebrate Hari Raya Puasa which is fallen at 17th July 2015 to be exact, that’s another long holiday tho, lets plan another get-away from the …
Sep 12 2014
Welcome Iphone 6 and 6 Plus!!
Hi readers, tepat hari ini kalian sudah bisa pre-order line-up terbaru dari website Apple yaitu Iphone 6 dan Iphone 6 plus. Menurut pengamatan saya produk ini sudah tersedia untuk US dan Singapore. Ayo.. jangan mau kalah antri ipun terbaru :)!! Silahkan dilihat spesifikasi lengkap di website GSMArena. First Hands On
Sep 12 2014
Selamat Presiden-Wakil Presiden terpilih 2014-2019
Tidak untuk mengomentari hasil Pemilu Pilpres 2014 dan kandidatnya, tapi terus terang kita sebagai rakyat disuguhi tontonan yang sangat menarik sekaligus menegaskan kita sebagai rakyat sudah cukup dewasa dalam mengikuti proses pemilihan tahun ini. Saya ucapkan selamat kepada Presiden dan Wakil Presiden terpilih (Jokowi-JK) tahun 2014-2019. Semoga kandidat terpilih bisa membawa amanah rakyat demi kemajuan …
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