3D2N Melaka Trip on Hari Raya 2015

It was our first trip to Melaka and without itinerary, so it will be interesting πŸ™‚ and challenging since we bring along our 2yo kid.

It took 4hrs trip from Singapore to Melaka non-stop by direct bus (including immigration check in Singapore and Malaysia). We heard we will stuck at immigration checkpoint because a lot of traveler, but fortunately we are the 1st group that reaching Singapore immigration and it takes only 15minute for us :). Then while reaching Malaysia immigration we have to bring along our luggage and belonging to scan.

Once reach Melaka sentral bus station we realize it is not easy to find taxi with meter, so we have to bargain the price on the spot. Luckily we meet Indonesian friend and married couple at our way to Melaka and its their 1st trip as well to Melaka tho :), they are so generous to share taxi to our hotel (Ramada Plaza Hotel).

During our stay at Melaka, we just rely on GPS without subscribe any local SIM and data plan, so it is quiet frustrating at first.. insane probably.. lol :). Well.. It is evening time when we reach hotel, pretty difficult to find nearby foodcourt since it is Hari Raya holiday and we realized it after next day :). After our dinner we heading to famous Jonker Walk Street, it takes 15min walk from our hotel and guess what it is like bunch of human walking in a small alley in both direction with food stall, handicraft and toys at right and left, so we are struggling to walk with our baby stroller. Do note it is not advisable to bring along your baby stroller, it is recommended to wear simple tshirt, short pants with slipper before you going to this place and less belonging since it will be very crowded. But we manage to try some local food, drink and my wife manage to get women bag for her. Sweating, happy and tiring of course, then we heading back to hotel to plan better for the next day.

2nd day we went to historical structure (stadhuys, redsquare, museum, malacca river – which is behind our hotel) and 2nd visit to Jonker Walk Street. Yes it is crowded with tourist and that was very hot weather. There is no public transport like bus or train, so have better plan where do you stay is a plus point because you need to walk all the way to your destination. Then we went to Tan Kim Hock Food Center to buy some local products. It sells Melaka food specialties such as chilli sauce, handmade noodles, dodol, durian cookies, cracker etc. A lot of tourist were in the shop to buy some local products. At the end of the day we went to Restoran Lee seafood, we tried their signature dish Carnation milk crabs, (we are not complaining to paid around RM200 include vegie and fried noodle, since the taste was excellent) The crabs were solid! Had to take away the food since the place were to packed and fully booked. Overall we are happy with final dish and not really satisfy with transport at Melaka. Next visit we think of rent a car since some of the recommended place is far apart and it is difficult to reach each point of interest with walking, unless you ride a taxi.

So finally here below some snapshot at Melaka. Hope this help you who want to visit Melaka.



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